To our community of virtual freelance HR consultants and coaches, we have exciting updates to share. One Circle is shaped by its community of virtual freelance HR consultants. You have told us what you want and we are excited to announce the new features.
We exist to give our community, a great experience
We did not pause, we did not slow down, we did not flinch.
Our community of virtual freelance HR consultants and coaches were already primed to work remote, to work alone, and not skip a beat while delivering value remotely, virtually, online.
The restrictions did not change our work methods at all – indeed, it solidified our message that remote work is indeed the future.
You have our personal gratitude for being part of the first wave of One Circle.
You are a One Circle pioneer for being part of our community during our ramp up phase – we promise to have but one!
While we had no idea that the entire world would pause while we were live testing, we have used this time to listen to you, and we have shaped the platform inclusive of your feedback and direction.
We have always said that One Circle will be shaped by its community and you have told us what you want.
We are therefore excited to let you know of the following site enhancements that just went live 😊.
1. Consultant Profile
We made the sign up process even smoother and added many fields you have asked for: showcasing the personal video story, adding previously worked on projects and success stories, tools and products you use and represent, increased the range of companies worked with, etc. In addition to a filed to update your virtual fee per hour (more on this later 😉).
Check it out yourself by logging in to your profile and updating the new fields.
2. Perspectives
Our previously named Blog section is now re-branded PERSPECTIVES. That’s not all. You can now contribute your personal articles through this channel, with full personal credit. We added a space to include your bio for clients to know you a bit more.
Think of it as your own personal soapbox in Hyde Park – except you can reach the world!
Get in touch to contribute. Drop us a line on info@onecirclehr.com.
Our editing team is happy to receive your contribution. Keep it coming! As Jon Younger says in all his Forbes articles, Viva La Revolution!
3. Insights
We have introduced a section called INSIGHTS, containing thought leadership material like e-books and white papers to help people navigate through challenges. Explore this section on the main page. You may be particularly interested in this one at this stage if you are starting your journey as a freelancer.
The One Circle team is curating this material at present, and we invite anyone who would like to contribute to this section to do so. Just drop us a line on info@onecirclehr.com.
We’ve saved my personal favourite update for last.
4. Yellow Rooms
We are finally ready to release our YELLOW ROOMS feature to the world.
A discussion room where business leaders and our community members of virtual freelance HR consultants and coaches can engage in online discussions, and soundboard with decision makers key specific aspects to solve real-world problems.
The 3 main areas of utility for Yellow Rooms are:
Virtual Roundtable Discussion
Clients can book virtual time with a consultant (or up to 3 consultants) for a virtual roundtable discussion on problems they are facing, or ideas they are chewing on.
When you get invited by a client to a virtual roundtable discussion, you will receive an email with the meeting details and a notification on your internal dashboard. Once you accept the virtual discussion details, the client will fund the virtual discussion fee, and you will then receive another email and dashboard notification providing you with the link to the virtual discussion. Your fees for the virtual discussion will be paid into your account after the discussion is over.
Log into your account and check out the allocation tab ‘Yellow Room’ in your dashboard.
Closed Yellow Rooms
You could be a subject matter expert and can lead in-depth live discussions on a particular topic as part of what we called Closed Rooms. Our main objective with this is to give our consultants exposure. Those Closed Rooms are targeted to a business audience and emphasizes depth of expertise on a particular topic. Those are for clients to book and attend live. Get in touch if you think you have a great topic and would like to lead a session or series of sessions.
Open Rooms
Open rooms are a section housing thought leadership clips with experts facilitated by the One Circle team. We intend to host these 30 min chats and interviews with a diverse group of experts in our field for readily available access for both our community and the world.
Watch our first Open Conversation with Ann Betz in the Open Yellow Room Conversations on Neuroscience and Remote Team Leadership. You can as well follow The Yellow Room on YouTube to stay updated with our conversations. Follow-us here.
Watch this space!
We continue to improve our special space where bias has no place.
Where people can tap into unparalleled work opportunities and project work opportunities for all demographic groups.
Where you can just enjoy being part of our community of HR people.
Until next time.
If you haven’t updated your profile yet, click here and let your profile rock.
One Circle is a freelancing platform for independent HR consultants.
Where businesses of all sizes can find coaches and HR specialist consultants across the entire HR spectrum with multiple areas of expertise. If you are a business and are looking to get HR projects done, virtually, consider signing up!