The TransforMAP is a guide and structure for a conversation with those embarked on change.
It works with underlying assumptions and beliefs.
The TransforMAP tool focuses on the various conflicting voices of change, how to recognize these and help people move along the change journey.
Each voice has a thinking, emotional and action expression voice which we are likely to use during a transition.
Caring for ourselves, traveling through our life or during work upheaval is a labour of the heart as well as the mind.
There are no right answers.
There is only patience; a coaching viewpoint; allowing time for the unfolding to take place in conversation; a willingness to sit with ambiguity; indecision and having no idea what to do next except wait to find out what our heart suggests.
This is personalized and facilitated workshop using the TransforMAP tool to uncover worst fears and resistance and help individuals discover new realisations and a way forward.
By the end of the workshop individuals will feel that their voices have been heard in a constructive manner and they will have a plan to tackle the ongoing change challenges with confidence.
The outcomes of the workshop can also inform a change management plan which addresses resistance. This workshop can be facilitated virtually or face-to-face.