
Meet Max! One Circle virtual community AI assistant

You can now join and invite others to our virtual Slack community for HR professionals powered by Max our AI assistant. Connect, share advice, mentor each other and ask questions.

Ways in which to engage with an independent HR consultant

You are convinced of the potential value from using an independent HR consultant to help-out with your important projects. But when to reach out externally?

‘Human-ing better’, an advice from a remote CEO.

Getting things done as a remote CEO is relatively easy, protecting the culture that has painstakingly been built, requires more effort.

The rise of the virtual freelance consultant

The rise of the freelance revolution and takeover of the virtual freelance consultant is evident. Traditional consultants have much to fear today as companies become more cost conscious, wanting speed, depth of expertise and above all direct access to quality at a fair price.

4 ways to recognise and engage your remote employees

Even though many organisations’ priorities have shifted because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to engage with workforces remains top of mind.

5 ways to justify engaging freelance independent consultants to add value to your business

Much of the world is scrambling to adjust to the new normal of work, forced upon us by much of the world’s response to the pandemic.

5 steps to infuse talent with freelance independent consultants

Embedding a Freelancer, Consultant and Independent Contractor (FCIC) in your regular workforce can seem daunting.

Want to try freelancing, on your own time – Here are some tips

So you want to try freelancing, on your own time. Great. But let’s get something clear from the start. Freelancing is no walk in the park and is not an easier option.

Work flexibility, autonomy and control over our life.

In my last role as HR Director, perched in my glass office at the top of one of Dubai Marina’s landmark towers overlooking the gulf, floating villas, yachts and water taxis, everyone thought I had it good.

Best Practice: How Top Freelance Platforms Engage With Clients During COVID 19

Welcome to the next article in my series: The freelance revolution during COVID 19.” In past articles we surveyed freelance platform CEOs and thought leaders on several topics