
The escapades of an HR executive from East Africa

A two-year secondment as HR executive with Deloitte, in Nairobi, started with a bang. How to replicate those experiences as we move to remote working.

Meet Max! One Circle virtual community AI assistant

You can now join and invite others to our virtual Slack community for HR professionals powered by Max our AI assistant. Connect, share advice, mentor each other and ask questions.

The Future of Work – HR On-Demand Marketplace

The future of work will never again be as narrowly defined as it was for the last decades. Open talent marketplaces, such as HR on-demand, will be the norm.

Remote Working: the capacity to work differently

A brief analysis of a global covid-19 survey, and insightful results of remote working impact covering more than 1,200 companies from around the world.

5 signs you should be using independent consultants

Organizations are becoming more flexible in adapting to new work arrangements. Here are 5 signs to help you decide when to use independent consultants.

4 questions to help you select the right independent consultant

Interviewing an independent consultant is different than screening for a full-time role or a permanent hire simply because the former is project driven. Let’s cover some questions that will help you get the best fit.

HR On Demand

One Circle virutalizes the entire client-consultant exchange with on demand talent providing businesses access to diverse expertise and fresh ideas.

The Mindful Entrepreneur. Real Time Opportunities.

Can mindfulness be just what an entrepreneur needs to gain greater inner peace, increase capacity for fresh, creative thinking and strengthen resilience.

HR for start-ups: learnings from a start-up HR executive

Remove the excuses and obstacles and think HR for start-ups. We will help you achieve your goals of a growing and successful business!

Ways in which to engage with an independent HR consultant

You are convinced of the potential value from using an independent HR consultant to help-out with your important projects. But when to reach out externally?